Friday, January 15, 2010

Tiger Woods: Coming Undone

tiger woods

No one can argue that Tiger Woods is #1 in the golfing world and in the lives of individuals who have followed his incredible career. We have stood beside him, cheered him on, and hailed him as a hero.

Better yet, ten million young people have been touched by the Tiger Woods Foundation, an organization founded by Tiger and his father, Earl, to promote character development, setting goals, and achieving your dreams through applying yourself.

Tiger Woods claims that the foundation was established on the character traits he learned from his parents: Integrity, Honesty, Discipline, Responsibility and Fun.

Nike, one of Tiger’s sponsors, even went so far as to create what ESPN claims was the most profound TV commercial in sports history known as I am Tiger Woods. Children of every nationality have been inspired by Tiger Woods’ story and ability to show that hard work pays off. It truly has been a phenomina.

It wasn’t just the golf, or the life-long dream realized that made us fall in love with Tiger. It was the man, his story, his dedication, his persistence, his character. Character: moral excellence.

Now we find ourselves in a dilemna. As we mull over the definition of character and the persona of a man that we have hailed as a hero to our children, we learn he has flaws we never dreamed existed.

Now, we gleen into the life of someone we thought we knew. It doesn’t mean that his incredible golf feats are less, but simply that once again a hero has allowed his personal demons to lower him to a level we never imagined.

We did not judge him on the color of his skin, but on the content of his character. So what are we to believe now?

The jury is still out. Rumors and innuendos are circling above Tiger’s million dollar mansion. No doubt there is some truth to the accusations when 10 16 women come forward sharing the details of torrid love affairs with Tiger, a married man. An admission of shortfallings and causing harm to his family by Woods was just short of a confession of guilt.

The personal life Tiger fought so hard to keep private is now being played out on a stage like a bad play on Broadway.

Time will tell where Tiger’s transgressions will take him.

All eyes are upon him, and the debates are already tiring. No matter how much some try to justify or excuse his behavior, the truth is that we are watching another icon tumble.

Tiger Woods has spent a lifetime telling us that responsibility and commitment are the keys to a better life.

As always, the world is watching and waiting Tiger. How will you handle what really matters in life? How will you reconcile a life coming undone?

Until next time,

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