Friday, July 8, 2011

Anna Kournikova Quick Hits

‘‘The Biggest Loser’’ — which sounds like a Cubs documentary rather than the name of an NBC weight-loss show — has ­unveiled photos of its newest cast ­member, Anna Kournikova.

It’s pure coincidence the former tennis star is a Quick Hits favorite. No doubt, had there been a picture of another trainer, that would have run.

OK, maybe not.

So in the continued pursuit of the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service, Quick Hits is more than happy (if not obligated) to provide a photo of Kournikova.

It would appear the new season of the show, which is to air this fall, is shaping up nicely.

Anna Kournikova

Anna Kournikova

Anna Kournikova

Anna Kournikova

Anna Kournikova

Anna Kournikova pictures

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